So there isn't a whole lot to report. Apparently the neurologists are happy w/ Ian's progress. They stated once again that the diagnosis is "by exclusion" meaning that they couldn't find anything else so they treated it as post-infectious cerebrallitis & the treatment worked thus far. They checked his motor skills & said he was progressing nicely. Recovery can be as short as 2 weeks but is often a bit longer. They do believe he will make a full recovery but there is no 100% guarantee as w/ anything medical. From what I have gathered, the most common lasting effect is w/ balance issues. He is so young that we can't know now whether that is an issue b/c they are developing their balancing capabilities. I have a gut feeling that he will be fine, it will just take a couple of months. His progress from day to day is noticable.
I had to make him look like a tough boy today so I put him in his "Rockstar in Training" shirt along w/ his skull & crossbones Vans. Tooooooo cute!

He was trying to make a mean face in this one to go along w/ the "tough guy" image!
Ya'll have been in my prayers. I just left my darling grandchildren and it makes me hurt to think what you are going through. The babies are beautiful and you need to truly give God the glory for the speedy recovery of Ian. You sound like a wonderful mom and I am so thankful my daughter has a friend like you. I can not wait to meet you and hold your wonderful babies one day.
In Christ's Love,
Lolli (Megan's mom, Jake, Cullen and Ellie's grandma)
Ya'll have been in my prayers. I just left my darling grandchildren and it makes me hurt to think what you are going through. The babies are beautiful and you need to truly give God the glory for the speedy recovery of Ian. You sound like a wonderful mom and I am so thankful my daughter has a friend like you. I can not wait to meet you and hold your wonderful babies one day.
In Christ's Love,
Lolli (Megan's mom, Jake, Cullen and Ellie's grandma)
Glad he is doing better than he was a few weeks ago. Love the fact that he is making PROGRESS! Hang in there! Prayers to you guys!!
OMG! That outfit is so darling and love the tough guy pose he has going on! I agree, Ian is going to be all right. he has your determined genes in him! God bless you all! Love, N~
I know I don't know you personally but I am glad to hear that he is doing much better. Habing a child in the hospital is never a good feeling. He can only get better from hear and it seems you have a great support system to keep you together as well.
Keepin' the prayers coming!
He is a Baby Bad A**! :-)
Seriously, I am so glad he is getting better.
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