After seeing another triplet mommy's hubby make a triplet table, I said we could do the same. After all, we had a spare countertop collecting dust in the garage. All we had to do was buy the seats. So, I did. Little did Todd know that he would eventually have a BIG project on his hands.
Problem. Make legs sturdy enough to hold 3 kids. Hmmmm...
On one of our daily walks...I'm sure you are wondering what a walk has to do w/ a solution but give me a chance to get through it.
On one of our daily walks, we happened along a beautiful solid oak table sitting out w/ a sign taped to it. It had been painted over but it was FREE!
Yes. I did. I knocked on the door & told the woman that I would like to set the table aside & come back for it after we finished our walk. And that is how we got the table!
We have had it for a couple of weeks now & Todd finally had the opportunity to put all the pieces together. The seats cost us $25 a piece. Cutting boards (came in a set of 4 at Target), $9.99. The table, free. Labor, free. Total price $85. If we had purchased one, we would have paid a minimum of $300 plus shipping.

It is taking a bit of getting use to. The kids aren't accustomed to being right next to each other. Breakfast was about taking food from the other's placemat, grabbing one another, grabbing the safety belt, etc. Lunch went a bit more smoothly.
We even tried story time afterwards & it was fantastic b/c I didn't have to move the book for all to see.
Not only that, we are now using big kid sippies! We are leaving the NUBY's in the dust! Gabi & Sofi love these sippies w/ a straw.
I know Ian doesn't have one but he looked so happy that I had to post the picture!
My official recommendation, either buy or make your own triplet feeding table! Totally worth it!
Wow, great job, looks very neat.
This is awesome Astrid! I love that y'all were able to make it for so cheap! It seriously looks like you bought it like that. I worked with toddlers for a while and we had a big semi-circle table that held 5. So unbelievably helpful. Enjoy the new table!
....hey....accidentally hit the wrong button and didn't get my name on my comment above. sorry!
COOL...they look so grown up in the table!
That is the coolest table - wow! Good job!
Very cool! They look so big and happy sitting there!
Way to go! That trio table turned out great! We don't have room for such a table or I would make my hubby put one together for us too!
LOVE the table! Great job!!
I love your table! We, of course, paid the full price for our table but it has been worth every penny! It takes up space but then again... so do three high chairs!
Great job, very cute table!
How cool is that??!!! Seriously - GOOD FIND on the table and WTG Todd for putting it all together. My first thought was that you were going to have to deal with little stealing food fingers... looks like you are getting a handle on that early! LOL
Awesome on the sippies. We may have to give that a try! :)
The table looks awesome! Great idea on the cutting boards! We love our table, so easy to clean and they love sitting next to each other. Just wait...they'll start sharing food with each other, laughing, etc. It's so fun to watch them. I put a trash bag under mine to collect all the food that drops so I don't have to mop everyday! :)
Dan made their table too and I love using it. It's really cute when they hold hands. I used to put their "supplies" behind them, but they started reaching for everything. Now I have one of those plastic storage containers on wheels next to it and their spoons, bibs, cereal, wipes are all in there. The cutting board is an excellent idea! Anna
I think I am going to have my dad make one of these. We use the space saver chairs right now and leave them on the seats all the time but I am tired of pulling the chairs out at every feeding, etc. Not to mention if we got a feeding table, maybe we could nix the dining room table for awhile and the boys could have more room to play. Hmmmm....can you post a link to the cutting boards on Target if they are online?
I looked online at Target & did not find the cutting boards. I'm pretty sure you will find them in the store. It comes 4 to a pack for cutting veggies, meats, poultry, & another one I can't remember. The colors are red, green, yellow, & white. They were in the cutting board section, easy to find!
OMG I want one!!! Can you post (or email me) the link to the seats and also directions on how Todd made the table? This is great!
Wow, great job I like it.
Hope you receive my email.
Have a nice week.
My dad is going to make me one, yay! Another question, where did you find those straw sippies? I have been looking....
Oh and where did you get those seats? I found some but they dont look as sturdy as yours...
Where did you find the seats? We have 4 month old triplets and had been looking for a table. Due to the dimensions of our kitchen, I need to custom build it. Thanks!
I love the idea of making the table, I googled the triplet table, & Came across this link.. could you possibly send me the directions on how you made this, I'm going to try to talk my husband into making it for our triplet 4 month old boys..
You guys did a fabulous job on your feeding table. I was searching online to find one to purchase and ran across your post. You are right on the cost to buy one but they all look so industrial and not near as darling as yours. I showed it to my hubby and he said he would make one. I have ordered my seats and found my cutting boards. I am now on the search for a table. I have a little time since mine are still newborns. Your table is worth so much more than the commercial ones. Seriously fantastic job thanks for posting it. Nicely done. Tracy
I do have a question about the table that Todd built. Is that a child's size play table or an adult table? What are the dimensions?
If you have directions for putting it all together would you mind emailing them to me. It would probably make it easier for my husband. Unless you would like to sell me yours. Todd could go into business it looks so much nicer than the ones you can buy ready made. :-) My email address is if you have the directions. Thanks, Tracy
I stumbled on this picture of your able ..he did good! Where did yall find the seats that you put in the table??
WOW, great job!!! I would also like to request specific directions on how to make the entire table and where you purchased the chairs. If your husband would like to sell us one that would be FANTASTIC too :o) If you would send me directions, that would be great. Also, if i were to purchase the table, what kind would i get and what dimensions?? Job well done!
This is a brilliant idea:)
If possible please could you post the instructions or e-mail me them?
I am a mother of triplet boys and saw your post on the table/high chair. Can you tell me where you found the chairs you used> Possible directions on how you made your table. Were the cutting boards flexible? I know you have been asked lots of time for this information but any help would be appreciated. thanks
Hi I have triplets and wish to make one of these! Where did you buy those seats? Thanks for your response Graeme
I know this post is old but I hope you will still see my comment and respond. Do you mind telling me how long your triplets using this table? What age did the outgrow it? I don't have triplets but I have 18 month old twins and a 6 month old and I am sick of the high chairs. However, knowing my twins, I think they would just throw food like crazy in a table like this and steal from eachother and just cause all kinds of chaos! Thank you in advance for your response! :)
Can you email me where you found the drop-in chairs? We are in need for our trips too! :)
hi how are you doing, i would also like to know where did you bought those chairs... i have a 11 month old and im having twins by the end of january 2012 so i'll be in need of trying to make this beautiful feeding table! please email me thanks :)
Hi just like everyone else can you please emial me where you brought the seats and how you guys made it? It looks amazing!
Thank you
Hello guys. I love your table, I'm also father of triplets here and I want to build my own. I found the other type of replacement chairs but lov ed the one you have. could you please tell me where can I find those? thanks, my email are
Do you have instructions on how to build this table? I love it!
Where did you buy the seats for the table?
The table looks awesome!
Cherry Dining Room Set
8 Chair Dining Table
Furniture Stores Denver
Bench Table And Chairs
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