Tee-hee! If you are from the South, you know all about Sonic. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMY! Ok, so it isn't so much the food although they have killer tots & cheese that I enjoy eating very much, it is the drinks. Yep, their drinks are the bestest in the whole world. Not the alcoholic kind either. Um, ok, you CAN put some vodka in their flavored drinks, the cherry limeade to be exact, & it is quite delish BUT since those days are in the past, a straight up cherry limeade is what I craved today.

So, I did what any other person craving a drink or snack would do. I got in the car & went. The kids & I went on a mini field trip to Sonic! It was their 1st trip to this famous drive in fast food joint & I think they quite enjoyed themselves! Ok, *I* enjoyed it b/c I felt normal.
I don't know why I hesitate going out w/ the kids. It isn't hard at all. I already have a diaper bag packed so all I have to do is put shorts on the kids (yeah, we live in onesies), fold up the stroller (just in case I get a wild hair up my ass & decide to go in somewhere) & put them in the car. Not hard, not at all.
I think it is lack of practice. Lack of experience. Since I'm not use to doing it, I think it is going to be much harder than what it is. Bleh. I need to get over it.
Back to our adventure. It was fun. The kids love being in the car. I even got them popcorn chicken & tots for lunch. They got a bite of it in the car b/c if you know about Sonic, you know you have eat in the car. It's a drive in & that is all the fun! I even made sure to call Daddy to tell him we were "eating out".
Life is good. I am happy. Very happy. I have 3 beautiful kids, a wonderful hubby that I adore, & 2 cats that are tolerant of the 3 kids. I get to stay at home (my dream) & take care of my kids. I have a little business going that is actually making me some spending cash & giving me a creative outlet. I've lost all but 2 lbs from the baby weight. Ah, time to reflect on the good!
Can't forget pictures of the kids, can I?
Ian trying to get in the toy box.
Sofi & Ian playing together.
Sofi LOVES to be in the container w/ the toys. It's her new thing.
Just to prove to you that Gabi does this EVERY time I get the dern camera out. I'm never going to get a decent shot of her if she keeps hammin' it up!
Im so happy that you were able to get out and enjoy the day with the babies out ! It almost makes you feel human again , hoope you enjoyed your lunch !
SUPER mama...yahoo for eating "out!" SONIC drinks are AMAZING! :)
Yay Astrid! I remember the days when I was "afraid" to get out -- and now it seems like we go, go, go all the time! LOL Yay for a great day! I LOVE Sonic's Fresh Lime slushes. Yumm--o!
when did ian's hair get soooo long? what a stud ;) I guess it is a really good thing he has two sisters to watch his back and protect him from all the girls when he gets older!
this was a great post. maybe my favorite. seriously. life comes in waves. i am so incredibly thrilled that yall are surfing a big kahuna right now. i love yall.
p.s. i also love that this post didn't contain the word "breastfeeding" !!! bwahahaahaha
Oh Jules, you are evil, my dear friend! I love you all the same, LOL!
Nicole ~ Thanks! I like his hair long. Maybe has something to do w/ my dad's hair being long & me being a hippie at heart.
Sofi is SO funny in the container with the toys! Haha!
Lucky you getting out to Sonic! Every time I think about going, I realize I just missed happy hour, so I end up thinking I'll try again some other day :)
Love the pic of Sofi in the toys! So cute! :)
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