Here is Sofi in all her glory! I love the shots of her w/ the hoodie on b/c if you know Sofi, you know she LOVES to put stuff on her head.

Sofi is also our "serious" baby. Now, I don't mean she is serious all the time but she is a bit guarded when you 1st meet her. These pictures really show that!

Of course, Sofi does have a silly side. We love her smile & enjoy when she finally let's loose!

Then we have Gabi. Gabi is our love child. She loves everyone, always smiles for you & is generally our more cuddly baby. She is so sweet! The 1st picture in this series really shows what I mean!

Gabi always has a smile to share! The photographer captured the smile Gabi is famous for & the one that always makes you smile no matter what.

We do occationally see Gabi being serious like her sister.

Now, we can't forget Ianchito. He is definitely our ladies' man. This kid has so many girlfriends already that Daddy says he already has his black book filled up! I wonder why?!?

His smile wins everyone over. His crooked smile comes from my mom. You can see why!

We even had some pics of them all together. Trying to get 3 babies to smile at the same time proved to be tough. These pics really capture each of the babies' personalities.

Let's not forget the family pics!

Ok, that is it! I won't bore you w/ the other 50 pictures we have, LOL! I hope everyone enjoyed stuffing their faces yesterday w/ that yummy turkey! I have to say thank you to Donna & Bill for cooking a wonderful turkey dinner. Also, the kids got their 1st taste of turkey. YAY!
Those are absolutely precious, I think you're going to just have to get them all and use them for wallpaper!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
OMG! Seriously, you have the most gorgeous children I've ever seen <3 They are all so beautiful and unique and perfect! And Little Ian, OMG, he is just a doll baby! If I could, I'd fly to Texas right now to see those babies in person! God Bless you and your wonderful family! XOXOX
They all look beautiful! Those pictures are amazing!
Beautiful pictures. You have a very beautiful family!
Those pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I left another comment but it never showed up..not sure why!.
Wow hun! They are all stunning! I love them all, I wouldn't be able to choose either!
The pics are amazing! Your family is very photogenic!
what a beautiful family! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Oh I LOVE that last one! what a great family portrait!!
Can I borrow them for just one day?? Ok ok, how about one kid for one day? :-P Love them Astrid!
The photos are fantastic - and you look amazing mama!
I love their sweaters. I went shopping recently trying to find sweaters like that for our twin 6-month-old boys. Did someone make them for you, or can you let me know where you got them?
Karen ~ I found the sweaters at Old Navy. You can still find them online! I love them!
Astrid, the pics are beautiful! The kids look so happy and healthy, you and Todd must be doing an awesome job! Happy Holidays to your family from ours!
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