It really is.
Even in the morning.
We are talking about 80+ degrees at 6:30am.
Doesn't leave much time to go out & play
before we hit the century mark.
So what do we do to fill up the day?
We play w/ dry erase markers,
as evidenced by all the marks.
We also play w/ play dough.
I know some parents out there are wincing.
But we got it down pat.
We have rules & if they can't follow the rules,
they can't have the good stuff.
Cuz, you know it's like a drug around here.
Once they get it, they must have it.
Our rules?
Stay at the table.
That's the only one.
If they get up from the table,
their dough disappears magically.
They know not to push us.
Oh, & the other thing we have going for us.
Like not even a throw rug.
When you have triplets,
no carpets make life easier.
Especially in the earlier days,
when they were spitting up constantly.
Gotta thank the hubs for this one.
We don't do it every day.
If we did, it wouldn't be as much fun.
And I don't care if they mix the colors.
Kids will be kids.
Who am I to argue about colors?
We have bigger battles to win, haha!
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