Ok, seriously. Not really. I'm a mother to 21-month-old triplets. My big bang consists of sleeping through the ringing in of 2010. Besides, it doesn't get much more eventful than having to raise triplets, especially as we approach their 2nd birthday.
Did I just write SECOND BIRTHDAY? Where did this year go? It just flew by. Seems just like yesterday we were taking an ambulance ride at 11pm w/ Ian while he was having his hour long seizure. Seems just like yesterday that we were celebrating their 1st birthday w/ 3 sick kids. Seems just like yesterday that we went to the playground for the first time.
I think you get my point. It went by, rather quickly at that. I've always been told that time flies when you have kids. I just didn't realize it was at the speed of light! Next time you tell a friend that time flies, be more specific. Please.
These were taken last January, right after the New Year.
And this is the kids today.
For the memory book. The 1st was taken last year when Mamama visited. The 2nd one is of this year (only a few days ago). Look at the difference!
Honestly, so much has happened & we've been through one of the toughest things parents could go through. It definitely put a damper on the year but it is time to leave it behind. 2009, I bid you a farewell. It isn't a fond one nor a hateful one, just goodbye. 2010, I welcome you with open arms & can't wait to see the kids thrive & grow every day as well as see how much stronger my relationship with Todd will become.