You wrote to me:
"Now if you could get rid of those ugly pacifiers. Why do they use the baby ones,"
Mind you, I copied & pasted this so as you can see, your punctuation is wrong. Shouldn't that comma be a question mark? Jack ass. Make that a dumb jack ass.
I normally don't write a comment back to people like this but I think I want to make you feel like shit. You see, as a preemie, sucking is the most important movement of muscles that is required outside of the basics. If they can't suck, swallow, & breathe all at the same time, they can't take a bottle.
In the NICU, the Soothies were given to them, to practice sucking. To be able to eat. From a parental perspective, that sucking became music to my ears. To this day, it brings me just as much comfort as it does my girls. Hell, I don't even think they look funny w/ them.
Yes, they have them when ever they want. Yes, it is a security item for them. Yes, I know we will eventually have to take them away. Yes, it will be hard.
BUT, it is a battle we have chosen not to fight at the moment. There are much more important things on our plate such as keeping our kids illness free due to all the suffering our family endured when we almost lost our little boy last year.
To leave such an ignorant comment, without having the balls to even put your name just shows me & the rest of the world how much of a coward you are. You must not have children b/c I use to think pacifiers were ugly too, that was before I had my 3 beautiful babies.
And with that, I leave this blog open for the world to see & hope they don't pass judgment on you as you passed judgment on my children.
Astrid & the pacifier sucking children (Sofia & Gabriella)