
Monday, November 17, 2008

Still having napping issues...GRRRRR!

Well, what can I say? I've tried everything I know how to get these kids to nap & it just isn't working so now I am beginning to wonder short of revamping the whole schedule what else I can try. I've just come to accept that every day is a new day & that while I shower every morning, I may have a baby that cries until I get out. I've gotten passed being frustrated or asking why b/c the truth is that no one can tell me exactly why Ian isn't napping. Sure, we can make the regular assumptions of teething, learning new skills, etc but really no one knows 100% the reason why. Every day I put them down in hopes that today they will sleep in their crib. If they don't, they don't & we try the swing. If the swing doesn't work then I'm out of options. That is all this momma has up her sleeve. I'm ok though b/c one day it will get better. I'm willing to hear any suggestions.

I've read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child & am familiar w/ the methodology but it doesn't seem to work w/ my babies. I've changed their schedule a bit but not too much in fear of messing up their nights which they have continued to sleep through w/ no issues. I have 1 last idea that I am trying & that is moving up their feeding times by 30 minutes to see if I can get them down for a nap just a bit sooner in the morning, by 8:30. If that doesn't work, then I'm really done...LOL!

Ok, let's talk about the fun stuff! We had a photo shoot w/ a fantastic photographer, Amber Walters. She is amazing & made our 1st shoot a memorable. Thank God the babies were cooperative & happy. We will be getting the whole disk of pics on Thursday but here are the 5 preview pics we have so far...

If you are in the San Antonio/Austin area, definitely look her up for a session! She also has a wonderful website & blog.

The kids are babbling away & it is so funny to listen to them "talk". They even have conversations between themselves. It happened today for the 1st time. Ian & Sofi were looking at each other while they were playing on the floor & then all the sudden they started talking to one another. I'm talking full out conversation! Ian would talk & then Sofi would, then Ian...then Sofi. It was hilarious!

Another big milestone is that all 3 babies are now sitting unassisted longer than just a few seconds. Gabi has been doing this for a bit longer but Sofi & Ian have joined her. It is so cute to see them trying to balance!

One last thing...they have learned how to get the pacis in & out of their mouths. They constantly take it out & put it back in like they are big kids. Ian is still not in to the paci thing much nor does he suck his thumb. He is just as content w/o so we don't force it on him or even try to give it to him b/c we know he won't take it. It's funny to know the girls go to bed w/ it in their mouths, then it falls out but when we go get them in the morning, they have it in their mouths again. FUNNY! As a matter of fact, the other day I was feeding the trio & had given a spoonful to Sofi, then Ian & by the time I got to Gabi, she had put her paci in her mouth as if to tell me that I was taking too long! I laughed so hard! These are the priceless moments!


  1. Astrid,
    I love the pics. I just left you a message on TC under space city triplets about the pics. Plus I feel ya on the nap thing. THe first one is great, but the second a DISASTER. Let me know if you get some good ideas

  2. OMG, those pics are SOOOOOOOO adorable!!

  3. Great photos! They are so sweet!
    Don't have any words of advice on the napping. But mine 3 did the same things for several months just before 10 months. I just kept at it. Some days they slept for a short period, or 1 slept and 3 didn't. It eventually worked itself out. I know that doesn't help much...but...mine 3 took 2 naps up until about 2 months ago...they are 20 months. Good luck and hang in there!

  4. I'm usually just a lurker, but wanted to give you some encouragement. My kidpop was a great sleeper until we moved when he was 6 months old. He took a handful of 2 hour naps in 6 months, it was terrible. He was up ever few hours, only took 40 minute naps.

    But after 12 months he just seemed to calm down a bit. I think because I am nursing less? I did let him cry, but never hysterically, the first day was the hardest. He protests now, but goes right into playing and then sleep.

    It is wonderful. For him, I think it was just maturity and letting him work it out was the modality that helped him to get his rest.

  5. What gorgeous pics! They are all so beautiful Astrid, truely! I love coming here to see them bloom each passing day! As for naps...yeah I'm not much help in that dept. I read Sleep Easy Solution and have quite a few freidns who swear by it but I just have not had the heart to try it...soon. I'll let you know if it works for us. Good luck and if you do find the cure for getting a baby to sleep in their crib be sure to post about it ASAP! LOL!

  6. they sound so cute! its great you are enjoying them grow up! Have you tried laying down with Ian for a nap? You could probably use some rest too, and if him taking a nap with you helps go for it! All 3 of my kids co-slept actually, and were in toddler beds sleeping through the night on their own by 15 months. (Joey at 13 months, Emma at 15) I love that co-sleeping reduces the risks of sids also. but if you arent comfortable falling sleep, you could lay down with him and just cuddle him while you watch a movie or a tv program or read a book. either wya hope you figure out a way to get him to nap for you!

  7. -thanks for the comment on my pictures - you always have wonderful pictures of the triplets! they are so cute and I would love to take some pictures for you.. not sure where you are located though. If you ever visit florida let me know!

  8. Eh, I was hoping you would come to Texas, LOL! Are you in the mood for a road trip?
