
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rollin', rollin', rollin'!

That is what my kids are doing! They aren't crawling but man, can they roll all over the place! I'm not talking rolling over from front to back or back to front...I'm talking rolling from 1 side of the room to the other & every which way in between! It is all about getting that toy furthest away from them. I like seeing them move but am in no hurry for them to start crawling. Let's hope they just go from rolling to walking. In the picture below Ian was tired & resting on his octopus before continuing to roll around.

We also have a special visitor in town, my grandmother from Argentina! She is almost 90 yrs old & took a 12 hr flight from Buenos Aires to come meet her great grandchildren. Mind you, they are #'s 14, 15, & 16 but they are the only triplets in the bunch! Today was the 1st day they met & the babies LOVE her! I didn't get a chance to take too many photos but this is one of them.

As any grandmother, she came bearing gifts. She knitted a huge blanket for each of them & matching beanies for their little heads. My aunt, Graciela, knit them all a sweater. I can't wait to dress them tomorrow & take pics!

The kids have also discovered that they don't always have to suck on their soothies but rather they can chew on them & stick them in their mouths in odd ways. It is so funny to watch them play w/ those things! I am going to say that they are by far their favorite things to chew/play with. Today Sofi was putting the soothie in her mouth & then Gabi would copy her so I snapped some pictures.

I have also started to brush Gabi's 2 teeth. She really likes it! I don't know if it is the toothpaste that came w/ it or if it feels good, probably a combination of both but when she sees the brush, she opens wide! This is the 1st time I brushed them & had Todd take a picture.

I think that is it for now! OHHHH...I got my 1st diaper cake order. I'm so excited! I can't wait to post pics of it on my other blog!


  1. I hope you don't mind me snooping your blog... I'm Brittanie's sister [the one who lost Cora]. I've been following your story for quite some time. I just wanted to say congrats and I love reading your blog!!

  2. Glad you commented! Your sister is such a sweetie!

  3. Yay for rolling!! How precious that your grandmother came all that way, that is awe-inspiring, I hope I'm still flying around the world when I'm 90!! :)

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  4. Long time reader (from JM) first time commenter. :P

    Just had to tell you that the pictures of the girls with their pacis made me laugh out loud. So loud I almost woke my son up! lol

  5. Astrid, I cannot believe how big they are getting. Ian is sooo cute laying on his toy <3

  6. First, I LOVE the new picture on the heading!

    Second, Yay to your kids figuring out how to get around!

    Third, I think that is so cool that your Grandma came all that way.

  7. OMG>>>>the kiddos are SO PRECIOUS!

    YAY, for the first order! YIPEEE! I can't wait to see pictures!
