
Monday, November 10, 2008

100,000 HITS, THANK YOU!!!!

I can't believe it! I've gotten 100,000 hits since I started this blog almost 11 months ago. Where has the time gone? That is like 10,000 hits a month! I'm amazed & thankful for the support we have recieved since we found out we were having triplets last September. Sometimes it is the little things that count the most & other times it is the boxes of diapers that are delivered at our door that put a huge smile on my face & make me thankful for our family & friends. Without them, we would not have made it this far w/ our sanity intact. My parents (Rodolfo & Poppy), Todd's parents (Bill & Donna), my brother & his girlfriend (Ian & Jesse), Julie, Jeff, Stacey, our neighbors Jane, Steve & their beautiful daughter Kate (helped me this summer & still comes over after school to help), Leslie (even though she lives a 1,000 miles away), all the moms from my local M.O.M. group & Space City Triplets, & anyone else I have missed...THANK YOU! Each & every one of you have made this possible.

Now, besides all that mushy stuff, we have some very active kids lately. The napping situation hasn't exactly worked itself out completely but it is getting better. I have come to rely on the swings a little to help. Listen, ya gotta do what ya gotta do! They need sleep, Mommy needs her sanity & have time to complete some daily chores so if the swings have to be used, then so be it! Honestly, it was something I never wanted to do but when you have 2 crying babies that are exhausted & freaked out about being alone in their cribs, then you will try ANYTHING. I'm not too excited about it b/c I really want them to nap the whole time in their cribs BUT the end result is babies that aren't well rested & if you have more than 1 baby, you know how important it is to have happy babies. Shoot, even w/ 1 baby, you know what I am talking about. Just imagine 3 babies having a meltdown...ACK! Sofi is still quite the champ & will fall asleep in her crib w/ no problems & stay that way for a couple of hours, easily.

Here are Gabi & Ian swinging away...we had a visitor, Maybel Jr (a monkey that is being mailed around the country/world from my Just Mommies online community).

The kids are growing so quickly. It is hard to believe that they were born so small & didn't do much in the way of moving. Now they are all wiggle worms & love to play!
This is Ianchito playing in the jumparoo w/ Maybel Jr.

Here we have Gabi on her tummy, something she is just now starting to really enjoy.

Sofi is enjoying the exersaucer & Maybel Jr. I love the expression on her face!

The kids are big enough to really interact w/ this Baby Einstein toy. I put them all down there together & they rolled around for a good hour while I pumped!

This picture is priceless! We have these mini-afghans that were made by Carol (a friend of Donna's) that we have pinned against the wall & over their crib. Well, Sofi decided she was a bit chilly & covered herself w/ it. She couldn't have been more content or asleep!


  1. Congrats on all the hits! I should put a counter on mine... :-)

  2. Thank the Heavens for those cradle swings! I would not have made it through the first year without them!! I agree you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes!
    Congrats on the hits!

  3. Love the blue jeans! Such cuties!!
