I haven't sewn in quite some time but the impending danger made me do it. Seriously, it has been over 3 years since the sewing machine has come out of the closet. Now it has a new home downstairs & will be used more often!
Back to the problem. We have a fireplace hearth that is brick. Up until about a month ago, we were able to use this firplace guard kit. Why they didn't start tugging at it sooner, I do not know but as of late, it seems to be their favorite toy. The only problem? It leaves the brick edges exposed which would invite a head to be banged against it probably requiring a trip to the ER & stitches. Um, no thanks.
Up until yesterday, we have been taking the pieces from the kids & putting it back on. When there is only 1 adult & 3 kids...well, you can see where I'm going with this. Fixing it became a priority but what the HELL was I going to do? The gears in my brain started turning & before I knew it, I had it all planned out in my head.
Um, except I hadn't sewn in years so that meant I had to find someone to do it. I talked to my friend, Andrea ( the one that made my cart cover & some other cute stuff) & she said she wouldn't mind doing it but we would have to plan it out. Well, it got to the point on Friday that I had enough. The kids were driving me CRAZY.
Off I went to Joann's on Sunday morning & found exactly what I was looking for, fabric & thread. Yep, I grew some juevos & busted out the sewing machine! The kids went down for their nap & I started pinning away. By 5pm, the cover was DONE. Finished & ready to put on. WAAHOO!
Now we just need a nice fire guard rather than the baby gate & we'll actually have a decent looking fireplace again! See what I mean about creative?
Awesome idea and awesome job!
Wow, you have some amazing skills! I am dreading the day I have to do all the babyproofing. There is something nice about immobile babies.
Good job! I wish I were as creative as you!
That is beautiful. I have no sewing skills. I have twin 2-year olds that keep me pretty busy, and I have no idea how you managed to find the time to put this together. Very impressive!
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