It was by far the best Halloween to date.
Course, there have only been 3.
But who's counting?
The kids were so excited about it all day long.
Not sure they got the trick or treat part but they understood the "dressing up as Minnie & Mickey Mouse after dinner" part.
Gabi even refused to eat dinner.
Wonder who told her about the gobs & gobs of treats we were about to cash in on?
"Not I," said the fly.
As were the past 2 years, our neighbors were waiting for us to come to their homes.
Even waiting outside.
I guess we are still the "token" triplets around these here parts.
It did help w/ the candy.
They got to take as much as they wanted!
(which translates in to candy breakfast for mommy.)
The costumes were a hit!
I outdid myself this year.
It's really the 1st time I've made their costumes.
Last year I just made 1/2 of their costumes.
We had to get 2 colored Minnies.
Since Gabi is the Minnie fanatic (the new Minnie), she got to dress in the pink.
And then Sofi was more the "traditional" Minnie.
Then there is sweet Ian, he loves his "Nini Mou" (translation, Mickey Mouse).
I haven't seen Sofi move that fast since she was born!
She left Ian & Gabi way behind.
We had to go to Miss Kathye's house first.
After all, the cute Halloween buckets she gave the kids were now their trick or treating buckets.
They even said "Trick or Treat!"
And we taught them about not going to the houses that didn't have lights on.
By the 3rd house, they had it down pat.
Gabi was so happy, she had to show off her first "treat".
Then it was across the street to Miss Shirley's house.
Miss Shirley brought a Halloween book over last week for the kids.
She is wonderful!
And then, we had to hit up Neighbor Jane.
(AKA...Aunt Jane, Grandma Jane, save-momma's-ass-in-a-bind Jane)
This was by far one of the coolest things we saw of the night!
The Art Car parade is huge where we live & I suppose this came from it.
A peacock!
Yes, she is digging in to her stash.
Daddy felt it appropriate to give them a sugar buzz to get through the rest of the street.
At Kathye's house eating delish cupcakes.
Gabi devoured hers in a record 3 minutes!
I'm beginning to wonder about Ian & sweets.
He rather eat onions, mushrooms, & green beans.
At least I got 1 outta 3 right.
Oh my she enjoyed that cupcake.
And then it was time for bed.
At 9:45pm.
They were exhausted.
So were we.
But it was the best damn Halloween EVA!
Awesome! Thanks for the pictures!
I love them! They were the cutest trio EVER on Halloween!
PS - I told Maddie to come look at the pics with me and as I suspected, she flipped out, pointing to Ian and shouting BICKEY BOSS! over and over. That's how she says Mickey Mouse LOL. She loved the pics too!
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