It was as embarrassing as I thought it would be.
And it was Gabi that made me feel that way.
Actually, let me take the embarrassing part back.
I really wasn't all that embarrassed.
I just felt bad for everyone that had to hear Gabi.
It all started b/c she wanted to get in the cart rather than in their wagon.
Sorry, no carts during cold/flu/RSV season.
(Yeah, I'm still being overly cautious this year.)
So she started to pitch a fit.
And then I thought we got past it as we walked in to Target.
Normally I tell them if they are good, they can pick out a book in the dollar section.
Apparently that wasn't good enough for Gabi.
She didn't want a book.
She wanted a ball.
For the next 20 minutes she let everyone know this.
And I couldn't just leave.
We had to try on shoes.
Sofi & her big size 8 feet.
It's all her fault.
(not really)
It was just B.A.D.
Not enjoyable.
Although I felt more bad for her.
She didn't get a treat afterward.
No sprite from Chick-fil-A.
Her loss.
And so, my perfect streak is over.

And it was Gabi that made me feel that way.
Actually, let me take the embarrassing part back.
I really wasn't all that embarrassed.
I just felt bad for everyone that had to hear Gabi.
It all started b/c she wanted to get in the cart rather than in their wagon.
Sorry, no carts during cold/flu/RSV season.
(Yeah, I'm still being overly cautious this year.)
So she started to pitch a fit.
And then I thought we got past it as we walked in to Target.
Normally I tell them if they are good, they can pick out a book in the dollar section.
Apparently that wasn't good enough for Gabi.
She didn't want a book.
She wanted a ball.
For the next 20 minutes she let everyone know this.
And I couldn't just leave.
We had to try on shoes.
Sofi & her big size 8 feet.
It's all her fault.
(not really)
It was just B.A.D.
Not enjoyable.
Although I felt more bad for her.
She didn't get a treat afterward.
No sprite from Chick-fil-A.
Her loss.
And so, my perfect streak is over.
What is it about Target that causes meltdowns? We had our episode last week. Gabi sure is testing you lately huh?
I can't take my girls anywhere anymore. They used to be perfect angels, then completely changed in an instant. They refuse to sit in a stroller, the choo choo wagon (tore the seat belts out), grocery carts ... nothing.
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