This was the beginning of our journey when I started injectables for the in-vitro.
Me at 19 wks, right after the cerclage was placed & on bed rest.
This is me the day the babies were born at 33w 6d.
We went through so much to have these babies. I know there were days that I just wanted to be able to go to Target or Babies R Us or help paint the babies' room but couldn't b/c I knew if I was up & about that my body would want to start contracting. It wasn't worth the risk!
Then our babies were born & we got to bring them home. I don't have much recollection of April & May. Sometimes I wonder how we did it. Todd & I were on our own during the night except for a few nights when I was sick w/ mastitis. Why didn't we ask for help? I think I was very concentrated on getting the kids on a good schedule & wanted to make sure that they stayed on it. For those of you thinking about doing it on your own, it is possible. We did have help during the day but being the Type A person that I am, I never napped. Nope, not once. Couldn't do it & still can't! I don't think I would have done anything differently.
Here are some pics of the kids from then & now.
Gabi at 3 wks old & 15w 4d old.

Ian at 3 wks old & 15w 4d old.

Sofi at 3 wks old & 15w 4d old.

Gabi practicing standing. She LOVES to do this!
Sofi blowing bubbles w/ her spit. Really cute, huh?
Ian sleeping in his swing. He LOVES his swing!
BIG DIFFERENCE! I can't believe they are so big! I think I want time to slow down a bit. Chances are these will be our only babies so I want to really enjoy these times b/c once they are gone, I'll never get them back.
The pics are amazing! How much each one has changed! Time really does fly - i can't beleive that my trio will be 9 months next week! So remember to take lots of pics and enjoy this special time!
Oh yes I love the flashback photos. Your pregancy belly looked just like mine, love it! Isnt it amazing how big we got, sometimes I look at my pictures and have a hard time remembering just how big that felt. I think being on bedrest and laying down all the time kept me from getting the full effect. The babies are getting so big, it flies so enjoy each moment!
How cute!!! Your kids are growing up so fast!
Holy moly, look how huge your kids are now! That's amazing what 3 months will do.
Awesome! Love the side-by-side shots of the kiddos. They are so cute! Do they all like the bouncy seats? I think we registered for the same (2 bouncy and 1 swing)
Astrid I can't believe how big your little ones are!! They are doing so well! How proud are you?! Congratulations on three wonderfully beautiful babies!!!
Erin ~ We have 3 swings AND 3 bouncy seats. Couldn't live w/o them! I would highly suggest you get 3 of each also.
I hope it's okay that i comment... I think it is so awesome that you took pictures of your pregnancy in different stages... the kids are so beautiful I can't imagen what three kids at one time feel like :)Was it a hard pregnancy? Mine wasn't until the last month or so I barely made it to 33 weeks and the girls were only 4 lbs and some ounces each how big were yours?
Hi Zuleika! I'm glad you commented! The pregnancy was rather uneventful for a triplet pregnancy although at times it was challenging. I believe I started blogging right around 18 wks so you could probably go back & read about it if you ever had the extra time. My trio weighed in at 4.1, 4.4, & 4.9 but we thought 2 were around 3.10-3.13. Thankfully they were bigger than that!
I thought you were doing a pre baby belly pic and a post baby belly pic. I thought - this woman's brave to be showing that....haha then I read on.
Very cute pics!!! They are getting so big.
They DO grow up fast. Just remember the days are L-O-N-G but the months will fly by fast. I somehow blog-hopscotched my way here, but I don't know how. I saw your link on someone's blog and when I saw TRIPLETS, I had to come see. Check out my blog if you want to fast forward a year and a half. My trio is 21 months and I have a 4year old too.
So, are you brave enough to post a picture of the belly AFTER pregnancy? :) Pretty, pretty please!
Anonymous ~ I am brave enough AND will post them tomorrow. How about that? Seriously, I didn't get any stretch marks so I am game. BTW, it still isn't nearly as flat as it was but hey...I just had triplets!
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