
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The neverending PT...

That's what it feels like.
Although I have to admit I'm not stressing about it.
Not like the 1st time.

That was hell.
Trying to keep up w/ 3 kids peeing, not so much.
One at a time is the way to go!

Ian is day time trained.
It wasn't that hard.
But he doesn't like to tell me when he has to go.

So I have to constantly ask.
He constantly says no.
Then I put him on the potty.

Bribe him.
Yes, bribe him.

And he goes.

The breakdown...

1st day = 3 accidents
2nd day = 1 accident
3rd day = 0 accidents
4th day = 0 accidents
5th day = 1 accident

I even put the kids in the car.
2 in undies.
1 in a pull up.

It was a short trip but we survived.
Unscathed & DRY.

I'm pretty proud.
Now if I can get Gabi to come around.
That would be nice but until then,
I will lavish in the steps towards NO DIAPERS!


  1. Good job Astrid! My DS is a bit older than yours and is fully PT. He did it at about the same time. I remember thinking that he would NEVER just go on his own or tell me when he needed to go. Took forever! Ian will tell you eventually... probably when you don't even realize it! ;)

  2. my son was almost 4 before he'd take the plunge! then my first daughter was 20 months! they're all different! hang in there. you'll be diaper free soon!
