
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And we're done...

Although things were going ok this morning & I got Gabi to actually pee on the potty, at least most of it, the constipation & whining b/c they couldn't pee just broke my heart. Not even 5 minutes after putting on a pull up, Gabi finally pooed. 3.5 days later. My heart hurts.

I'm not one to admit to failure. To admit to jumping in to something so quickly but let's be honest, my dumb ass didn't plan well enough for this. My hubby was right. My babies are exhausted from not sleeping well. Sure that they were just as stressed through the night as I was. Hopefully we will all get some good rest & great cuddles w/o having to worry about pee.

So, here's to the next time...


  1. You're doing a wonderful job with the kids Astrid. The best advice I can give and that I've gotten (even though I've only had singletons) is that they'll potty train when they're ready to. Perfect example is my 32-month-old who just decided a week ago that he was potty trained! We had pushed and tried the 3-day-trainathon, it didn't work for him. Some stuff works for kids, some stuff doesn't. Depends on the kids.

    You didn't fail, they just weren't ready. :-)

  2. I agree with Tiff, they just aren't ready. No matter what you read that says "THIS WORKS!" it may not work for EVERY child. Take cues from them, let them tell you. :)

  3. totally not your fault! theyre very young! in general, i feel that with parenting, some things we have to do even though they are hard and annoying (waking up to feed newborns in the middle of the night, etc...) but with some things, we are the parents and gosh darn it we can do whatever is easier for us! I held off on potty training my kids until i was certain they were ready, just because I did NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH IT! Diapers may be expensive, but they are oh so convenient! I also may be biased because i have a fear of public restrooms...which, since potty training my daughter, have become my home away from home and i want to throw up every time we go in one!
    Don't feel bad about abandoning will plant the seeds for doing it again one day, and i bet next time you try, it will work!

  4. Crap, i wont be doing this method either. Staying up all night? both the kids AND me...oh no, what you couldn't do it. I dont fault you ONE BIT! The days with triplets are long, even longer if mom and babies are tired!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Honestly, they just sound too young. If you have the one child who seems ready, concentrate on her if she wants to do it and leave the other 2 alone for now. I had one who got interested about 2 years, 5 months. After a couple of days she lost interest and we stopped for a few months. All of my kids were trained before their 3rd birthday and I considered that a victory.

    Also, just put a pullup on for naps when you start. It isn't realistic to expect them to control that at first. My kids just turned 4 and one is still in overnight pullups.

    Just wait a few months and try again or concentrate on the one who is more ready. It will go much easier the 2nd time if you just wait a bit.

  7. Yeah, no shame here. My twins were trained a year apart (girl then boy) and then my three other singletons all trained between 3 and 4. In each case I basically waited until the kid walked up to me holding underoos in their hand and BEGGING to be trained. My youngest decided to get potty trained the week we were moving. I said no way. After 3 days of him wearing the same shredded saggy disposable diaper (I kept putting it back on after his trips to the potty--he never had an accident in his diaper or otherwise) I finally admitted that he was potty trained and bought him the big boy pants. My point is, they choose their time when they are ready. In my case it was when I WASN'T ready.

  8. My niece just turned 3, her parents were forcing potty training on her but my parents and even me when I was there, would let her wear her pull up. She refused to poo in the potty. Her parents continued to push and now she will poo on the potty ONLY if you hold her hand the whole time. I guess that is a good step but sometimes I think it's right in their own time. Good luck!

  9. I definitely agree that you should worry about daytime potty-training before trying to keep them in undies at night or naptime. My 5 y.o. still has bed-wetting issues occassionally, so it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with being "potty-trained." Some kids just sleep to hard to wake up when they have to go! And yes, every child is different. My 3 y.o. put on big boy undies one day and that was it, no accidents, no bed-wetting. My older child took much more work.
