
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Babies, babies, babies...

We've hit that age. You know, the age they start pretending. It is the cutest thing ever to watch the kids give their "babies" food, milk, take them for a walk, try to change their diaper, wrap them up or put them in time out. Yes, they put their babies in time out. Wish I knew what the babies did to get put in time out b/c I have perfect angels & they NEVER get time out (haha, wink-wink...that's a little white lie).

Here is a very cute video of the kids walking their babies around in their strollers.

They have also recently started playing w/ their kitchen. They played w/ it before but not for it's intended purpose. They would hide things in the refrigerator, oven & microwave but now they actually wash dishes, wash their hands, put food in the microwave & cook on the stove. Not to mention, before bed, they put their milk up. What a change in the past month or so!


  1. oooh, pretending is SO MUCH FUN! And it seems to be something that develops overnight, too. Like someone flipped a switch.

    I'd love to get Erin a kitchen, if we had room!

  2. We got a hand me down from 10 yrs ago & that is all we are going to get, LOL! 3 against 1 means it won't last long...hopefully it will.
