
Monday, May 3, 2010

Sewing Adventures, cont.

I got a new serger. It's a machine that does this cool stitching that saves lots of time & is just really good for more commercial type stuff. In other words, the stitching is more durable along all the seams. Everyone knows what I'm talking about, you just don't know it. Look inside your shirts or shorts or pants. Yeah, that funky stitch that looks really complicated. That's it.

Did I really need it?

No doubt.

It speeds up the process of sewing 2 pieces of fabric together. Makes life easier & honestly, w/ triplets, well worth the $179 I spent. B/c not only do I need some extra time, I also need a great deal & you can bet this much, I got a great deal! The serger was $340 & I got it for $179 & free shipping. HA!

The best part? I went to the Sewing Warehouse to buy a gathering foot to make fun ruffles & the guy there showed me how to use my serger to make them.


I plan on making this really cute dress for the girls.

And a few pair of these really cute ruffle pants.

Ok, more than a few pairs. I can't help it. I'm addicted.

And, I've been making these really cute bloomers. They go down to right above the knee. I'm thinking these will be great for potty training. No buttons. Ah.

Oh, & here is a shameless plug for the FREE pair of ruffle pants I'm giving away on my SIGnature Creations Blog cuz you know you want a pair for your little girl.


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