
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sand & Water Table

For Christmas, the kids got a really cool sand & water table. It is the coolest thing I've ever seen & I believe we will have loads of fun w/ it as the weather gets warmer. I have to say, the cold didn't stop the kids from having fun. We have to get play sand to put in but used potting soil just to throw a little something in there.

I've been trying really hard to get the kids out in the backyard at least once a day for a good hour. Unfortunately, when it rains, our backyard becomes a pool & w/ the weather being so cold, the water sits for a good day before completely draining so our ventures outside have been spotty at best. Lets not even mention the freezing temps around these parts as another deterrent. At least I can still go jogging, all bundled up, of course.

PS ~ Just did a personal best of 5 miles in 50 minutes! How's about them apples?


  1. Wow! That table is definitely very cool! I think the potting soil is great too because it gives them a variety of textures to play with.
    Great pictures by the way! Isn't it amazing how a new camera can inspire you to see things so differently?!

  2. Uh, yeah on the camera. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Maybe there is a photographer in there, just like my daddy.

  3. You can fill your sand table with rice, or dried beans or dried corn. The beans are easier to cleanup if you were inside (not that I would do that at my house), but we do at preschool. Trudy 2+TWINS

  4. great time~ love the photos! Great ideas on the table.

  5. We have the same table and love it!! Seeing your pictures caused me to remember all of the accessories that come with the table. Our boxer does not touch any of the kids toys inside the house. However, the second they bring something into the backyard, they become his toys!! It's like they are in his room and all toys brought in there are his toys! Needless to say, he has eaten all the little boats and shovels. However, the kids still have a ton of fun with the table.

  6. I need to get one of those for Zeke - they look AWESOME!

    Fantastic run time as well... I'm not sure I could walk for a mile right now - sooo unfit! WTG Astrid :)
