
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Boxes are the best!

Screw all the new toys! Boxes are so much fun. They can be anything. At one point, Tio was flying a plane & then we decided to make it a car. The kids LOVED being in the box w/ him.

A special thanks to b/c they always send their stuff in big boxes!

We are still in recovery mode from Christmas. I got the tree down yesterday & am working on getting everything back to where it belongs. Our house is slowly returning back to normal. The closer we get, the better the kids are getting as well.

The day after Christmas was the worst. They were tired, overstimulated & just plain whiny. We had an official "lazy day". I didn't even bother getting out of my pj's. We all hung out on the couch together, trying to deal w/ the kids obnoxious whiny squeals. We were most definitely not in good form.

Sunday was a day of no visitors & trying to get back on schedule. Seemed to help the kids realize things were going to get back to what they were prior to Christmas except w/ a whole new collection of toys to play with.

Todd had to go back to work yesterday & we miss him. I think the kids got use to his cute way of going in their room every morning. I think the kids realize we are back on schedule. They are still whiny though & I am fairly certain it is the teething issue. Sofi has been drooling like a newborn baby. Her shirt is constantly wet & she has a bit of a moist nose (don't want to say it is runny b/c it isn't). She has been super fussy & emotional. I know her bottom 2 year molars are coming in & everyone is feeling her pain!

Otherwise, we are on the road to recovery. It is great to see family & friends but I am beginning to appreciate the quiet side of life as well.

1 comment:

  1. pretty sure i'm not teething... so what's my excuse for lazy-whiney-ness???

    guess no BLT ball this year, huh!? good times.
