
Friday, November 6, 2009

Getting ready for family pics!

Besides the craft show I am getting read for (my first), we are also going to be taking pictures tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. Yeah, a little early BUT at least we will get it out of the way while the kids are still "fresh" rather than waiting later in the day. It is a fundraiser for our MoM group. We pay $75 & get a 30 minutes session. We will also get a CD full of pics, no copyright issues so we will be able to print freely!

Last year we coordinated sweaters & colors, winter white & red. Red is my favorite color. This year we are doing the "classic" family yuppy picture. We are all wearing white polos & jeans. The girls' polo shirt has a pink pony which I think is cute & Ian's is in blue. Todd's pony is blue & mine...well, this momma didn't buy a real polo for herself. I got a Target special. Isn't that how it always goes? It's the small sacrifices, right?

Seriously, Todd already had his shirt & I got the kids' on clearance at Lord & Taylor. WOOT! That is the ONLY reason I splurged on the name brand shirts. I think that w/ jeans is going to look super cute.

The weather is suppose to cooperate as well. Sunny & just the right temp, somewhere in the upper 60's, lower 70's at that time of the morning. Now, I wish my son would cooperate. I've been desperately trying to keep them bite & bruise free all week long but you know how it goes. It will happen when you need it not to. Ian has managed to get a big mosquito bite on his face, right next to his eye. I've been doctoring it & had hopes today when he woke up that it would fade out nicely by tomorrow.

THEN...he had to go hit himself in almost the exact spot the bite is at. So now I am going to have to contend w/ a BIG bruise. It's gonna look like we beat him. Never mind the split lip he gave himself on Wednesday OR the one he gave Sofi that same day. Looks like we are bound to have face markings. Maybe I should paint their faces? Better yet! Use makeup to cover up the marks & bruises. HA! We'll see how bad his face bruises.

This is what happens when we let the kids have free reign w/ the books.

And the cat toys...

Learning how to put puzzles back together, at least they are in the right spot. They can get them in to the place but this is how I found it this morning. Too cute!


  1. Good luck tomorrow -- it will be a perfect day! Hope the shoot and the craft fair are both awesome!

    BTW - Lizzie does the SAME thing with her puzzles -- this made me chuckle. :)

  2. I love that they're putting the puzzles "together"! such a fun age!

  3. Good luck! Love the new pic at the top of the blog!

  4. Hope the pictures and craft fair went well!
