Sorry, I haven't blogged b/c Ian spiked a fever last night, 103.4, & we were up worrying & giving him the Tylenol/Motrin regiment. I promise to get a BIG update tomorrow. Just didn't want you all thinking we dropped off the face of the planet. Tonight should be smoother since we just got the antibiotics in the poor guy. Honestly, if it weren't for the fever, I would have never known. Ian was acting totally normal. As a matter of fact, we broke the fever last night in less than an hour. It went back to 98.7. The fever stayed away all day until naptime. He woke up w/ 102.2. Still acted normal though. He's a tough SOB. Thank God it wasn't anything the girls could get. Sick babies SUCK.
I also want to tell my wonderful hubby, the best father in the world...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Poor Ian! I hope he's on his way back to feeling better. HUGS!