
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Peri appt today & Sofia isn't growing...

And you are wondering what the title means, right? Well, let me explain by telling you about the visit first. My BP is still holding nicely. No protein in the urine again which is fantastic. My cervix is holding. I'm basically doing fine. The babies are all ok too. There is only a small problem & her name is Sofia. She doesn't seem to be growing in utero. Let me give you all the weights first...

Sofi ~ 3lb 4oz, no change from 10 days ago.
Gabi ~ 4lb 4oz, PORKER!!!!! She gained a whole pound!
Ian ~ 3lb 10oz, up 5oz from 10 days ago.

So, what does all this mean? It is not uncommon in a multiple pregnancy for 1 of the babies to be bigger than the other so long as the difference isn't more than about 10%. Well, that has happened w/ Gabi being a whole pound bigger. This is also referred to as intrauterine growth retardation meaning that the baby is no longer growing at an acceptable rate inside. Are we worried, not really. Again, this is something that is not uncommon at all in our situation.

What does this mean for Sofi though? It means that I will be going every 2 days to the hospital to get an NST or a Non Stress Test. Basically they will put the contraction monitor & a heart rate belt on me to see how Sofi is handling contractions. If her heart decelerates, then the situation becomes one of immediate action...get her out, which of course means the other 2 will be coming out along w/ her. We are going to go in every 2 days for this NST.

Now we lay in waiting...haha...I have been laying in waiting for 14 weeks. Who am I kidding? It is up to our darling Sofi when they come out. There is a chance that they will be here before the 31st. I know if they come, they will still be fine.

Say a little prayer for Sofi. She has been our cork since the beginning keeping them all in there. We are proud of her for doing so well for so long. Now, it is in her hands...completely.


  1. The tiniest ones are often the fiestiest! She'll be your little spitfire I bet. You made it so far, you're set even if they come sooner than later. Congrats!

  2. I bet this isn't the news you wanted to hear yesterday, but you have already made it to 32 weeks (and a half). That is amazing!

    I'll be keeping you and the babies in my thoughts and prayers.


  3. I found you over at You've Got Your Hands Full... and although I should be working right now (!), I read your entire chronicle of your beautiful babies. You are an extraordinary mama-to-be, an extraordinary woman, and a wonderful writer. What a remarkable gift this chronicle is for your beautiful babies... warm, honest, FUNNY, and filled with LOVE! I will be thinking of you and praying for little Sofi, and of course Gabi and Ian. I will be checking in often for news of the BIRTHday!
    Sharon - Pinks & Blues
    ps love all the 3's!

  4. Astrid, just like Amanda said, the littlest ones will surprise you! We had IUGR with our daughter so they scheduled delivery at 34/5 and she was 3#10oz. and went to the newborn nursery right away. She did end up in NICU but only for warmth and to feed and grow. She is THE BOSS of the boys, no doubt about it. She can do anything, she talks up a storm and helps me with taking care of her brothers. Things are going so well for you, I'm just thrilled to be following along on your journey. Hang on, the best is coming your way! Sincerely, Jennifer (TC)

  5. Hi, I have been following your blog for a while now. My triplet girls are almost 5 months now. Reading your recent post reminded me of the end of my pregnancy. My Sophie was the one to send me into the hospital (I was there 1 week before delivering at 34 weeks). She was not as active as the Dr. wanted her to be. She was the smallest at birth and today is the largest and most fiestiest....go figure!

    Hang in there, You are almost there.

  6. Hi,

    I am also expecting triplets. I am currently 18 weeks and 3 days. I hope you will have a smooth delivery!

  7. I just found your blog from TC and had to comment on little Sofi. She sounds exactly like my Jack. I delivered at 33w and their weights were Jack 2 lbs 15 oz, Abigail 4 lbs 5 oz and Henry 3 lbs 9 oz. Very similar to your estimated weights.

    Jack was the feistiest by far. None of them had any health issues but man my little Jack is a spit fire. Still to this day he is about 4 inches shorts and probably 5-10lbs smaller but he makes up for it all in personality. Those little IUGR babies will surprise ya. :D

    Keep up the good work momma! You're almost there!
