I'm not really a big supporter of not vaccinating,
BUT I'm extremely bothered by how many vaccines are given at one time.
Now, let me tell you, I was blind going in to this kid thing.
Especially being overwhelmed w/ triplets.
So when the docs told me they needed their vaccines, I blindly decided to go along w/ what they were suggesting.
Not that there is anything wrong w/ that but I wish I had gone in to it a bit more informed.
That is the honest truth.
Now, I didn't do any research.
I followed my mommy gut.
Again, this is a truth.
After Ian got so sick & lost almost all his skills, we (Todd & I) couldn't imagine giving him a shlew of vaccines.
We decided the little tike needed a break.
And from that point, it was only 1 combo shot or 2 single vaccine shots.
The trio was 10 months old at this point.
Before Ian's illness, we vaccinated on schedule.
It wasn't just for Ian either.
We chose to do the same w/ the girls.
The result?
Much less fussy babies after shots.
Their bodies didn't overreact to all the stuff.
No fevers, no fussing, good sleep, etc.
The other choice we made was to not give the kids the MMR until they were 3.
Even then, I have to admit, I had cold feet going in.
Todd really was the one to take the stand & say that they needed it since we were going out so much more.
Inside, I knew he was right so I grinned & bared it as the kids got their MMR.
I will say this much,
they got the MMR & only 1 more shot.
We are "behind" b/c of the spread out schedule.
And, I don't go between visits.
Can you imagine taking them in for just shots every other month?
Not I.
No way, no how.
ICK...sicky germs!
So, that is how we came about to be on an "alternative" vaccine schedule.
Oh, for the record, we believe in vaccines.
We understand they do more good than harm.
It is our duty to protect our children.
But that isn't to say we don't understand the other side.
This is what is best for OUR family.
In case you want to read up on the alternative vaccine schedule, here ya go...
Dr. Sears is well known for his position on the alternative vaccine schedule.
We didn't follow his recommended schedule.
We went with what we decided at the moment based on local viral threats (chicken pox outbreak, etc).
We always discussed this w/ our pedi.
She always had info for us & we really appreciated that.
Dr. Sears Alternative Vaccine Schedule
At the end of the day, it is a personal choice.
You have to do what is best for YOUR FAMILY.
Don't let anyone sway you either way.
Follow your gut feeling.